The Complete School Resource Kit
Make teaching puberty and menstruation easier with all the teaching resources, supporting resources for parents.
Unfortunately we're currently out of stock of our Educators' Kits but hope to have more soon.
Stage 3 - Understanding My Body

Mixed Group Lesson
- Define and understand the word puberty
- Understand that everyone is unique and experiences puberty differently
- Identify changes that occur to boys and girls throughout puberty and how they differ
- Learn strategies on how to manage the changes that occur
- Use a web-based resource to enhance understanding of changes associated with puberty

Activity Booklet

Interactive Resource
Stage 3 – Understanding A Period

Mixed Group Lessons
- Define and understand the word puberty
- Understand that everyone is unique and experiences puberty differently
- Identify changes that occur to boys and girls throughout puberty and how they differ
- Learn strategies on how to manage the changes that occur
- Use a web-based resource to enhance understanding of changes associated with puberty

Activity Booklet
Stage 4 – Understanding Changes

Mixed Group Lesson
- Define and learn about the process of menstruation
- Identify and sequence the four phases of the menstrual cycle
- Explore a range of strategies designed to support girls in managing their periods
- Learn about premenstrual stress and explore a range of coping strategies
- Explore features and functions of a variety of female hygiene products

Activity Booklet

Interactive Resource

Order your School Resource Kit
Libra Girl is offering a FREE School Resource Kit to support the delivery of the program and the education of your students! Teachers and Educators in Australia and NZ may order one free kit per year. Kits will be delivered free of charge, simply fill in the form to order yours!
If you would like to request an Educator's Kit, please email us at
Supporting Resources

All in one place
- Define and learn about the process of menstruation
- Identify and sequence the four phases of the menstrual cycle
- Explore a range of strategies designed to support girls in managing their periods
- Learn about premenstrual stress and explore a range of coping strategies
- Explore features and functions of a variety of female hygiene products

Primary School Parent Permission Slip

Secondary School Parent Permission Slip

Teaching girls and boys about puberty and changes in their bodies can be awkward, especially from a teaching standpoint. Hopefully this FAQ page will allay some of your worries. In our FAQs you will find information on our program and products, as well as support on relating to families and students before, during and after teaching the unit.