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Aug 06, 2018

Help! I Missed my Period

Assuming you’ve already started menstruating, there are several reasons why your period may not have turned up on time.



The first thing to consider is could you be pregnant? Having unprotected sex at any time throughout your cycle, even while you have your period, can lead to pregnancy. Yes, there is the rhythm method, also called the Billings method which teaches women to ‘read’ their individual cycle and identify the ‘safe’ days for sex, but if you’re at all irregular, or haven’t absolutely nailed the signs, it’s unreliable.

It’s also possible that your contraception has failed. Best practice these days is two forms of contraception; the pill or another hormonal type, plus condoms to protect against sexually transmitted diseases. If you are just relying on one form, say the pill, if you were late taking it or have been unwell with vomiting or diarrhoea, you may not have been protected.

Stress can also interrupt your cycle. If you’ve been particularly anxious about work, exams, relationships or even exciting things like a big trip, it can mean your period is thrown off kilter and could be a bit late.

Travel through different time zones doesn’t just mess with your sleep cycle – it can also affect your menstrual cycle.

And if you’ve recently gain or lost a reasonable amount of weight over a short period of time, your cycle may also be affected.

Been training for a marathon or taken up boxing with a vengeance? If you’re physically challenging your body in a new way, it can affect your period as your body gets used to the new regime.

And finally, if you’ve been unwell with fever, had surgery or other significant health events, the regularity of your period can be affected. (Just know a cold doesn’t count!)

It could also be that you just have irregular periods. However, if you’re typically as regular as clockwork and it hasn’t turned up for a week or so, it may be an idea to check in with your doctor why you’ve been missing your period. It could well be one of the above factors but it’s always good to get a professional opinion as everyone’s situation is very individual.



Love, Libra x


Asaleo Care makes no warranties or representations regarding the completeness or accuracy of the information. This information should be used only as a guide and should not be relied upon as a substitute for a GP, medical or other health professional advice.

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