Apr 02, 2019
The Truth about Tampons
You know how when you play Chinese whispers, the original message always gets totally changed? We think that’s probably what’s happened with tampons. Tampons are a great option for managing your period, but there are a few myths out there that are making some of us reluctant to try them. So, we’re going to break those down for you!
1. You can lose your virginity from a tampon: You can’t lose your v plate from a tampon. Some people used to think the hymen (the small membrane that sits across the opening of your vagina) breaking is a sign of losing your virginity. But actually, your hymen can break from everyday activities! In truth, you can only lose your virginity from sexual intercourse.
2. A tampon could fall out: A tampon will not fall out of you.
3. A tampon can get lost inside you: Ladies there’s not much space up there. The vaginal canal is only about 10cm long, so it could move it around but it’s impossible for it to get lost!
4. Tampons hurt when they’re inside: You shouldn’t feel a tampon if you’ve put it in right. Remember to push it up towards your tailbone and push it in the whole finger length. Check out our guide on ‘How to use Tampons’ if you’re still unsure. If you’re confident you put it in right and still feel pain, you should speak to your GP.
5. You can’t go swimming on your period: You can go swimming with your period! But you must wear a tampon. You cannot wear pads or liners.
6. You can’t use tampons for your first period: If you’ve got your period, you can wear a tampon. Tampons can take a bit of time to master, and it might seem a bit overwhelming. But if you’re a dancer or a swimmer, you’ll probably want to use tampons at some stage and it’s a-okay to do so.
7. You have to change your tampon every time you pee: For some girls it can feel weird going to the bathroom with a tampon inserted and the strong hanging, but there is no danger in leaving it in your vagina while you pee or poop. The vagina and bladder are part of separate systems and don’t cross over. Also if you have a small bladder, changing your tampon often could get uncomfortable. If your tampon isn’t full you might find yourself pulling out a dry tampon which feels…not great! Trust us.
8. Tampons will give you TSS: Tampons have been linked to Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), but it’s super rare and shouldn’t deter you from using tampons if that’s your personal choice. As long as you change your tampon every 3-4 hours, you should have no worries.
Love, Libra x
Anything else? Asaleo Care makes no warranties or representations regarding the completeness or accuracy of the information. This information should be used only as a guide and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional, medical or other health professional advice.
The Truth about Tampons

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