I really like this boy, what should I do?
Oct 26, 2018
So there’s this guy who I think I like because I wanna talk to him and be around him but when I do I can’t look him in the eye. I don’t wanna ask him out because I’ve never had a bf so idk what I’d do when hanging out with him. And it’d be really awkward if he rejected me because he’s in my orchestra. And he doesn’t talk to me much but when he does we get along really well and have a lot in common. I really need help because I have no idea what to do. I’m also not sure if I like him or not. I also feel kinda jealous when I see other girls talking to him, especially because they talk to him more than I do.

Gemmah Says
Hello Gharia100! So, reading this I'm left in no doubt that you like him! Not being able to look him in the eye is a big clue - it means you feel slightly shy or awkward around him, [i]because[/i]Â of how you feel - which is very usual! As you feel more confident and relaxed, that should change. The problem here, as I see it, is not whether or not you like him, (I think we know the answer to that!) but what to do about it. I agree there's no need to ask him out, but I do think you'll need to make an effort to talk to him more - at any chance you get. Ask him about what music he likes, what he got up to on the weekend - use it as an opportunity to get to know him better and, it shows you're interested in him. The more you talk and get to know each other, the more you'll discover if you have a connection that's more than a friendship and then, well, you can take it from there! Good luck!! LGx
I really like this boy, what should I do?