Mar 28, 2019

Archita V's Story

Endometriosis Beginning

The first symptoms I ever had were on the way to uni when I suddenly had immense pain in my abdomen area to the point where I could not sit or stand. As I got closer to uni and off the bus I ran to the bathroom and fainted. Ever since then after many diagnoses I was told I had a condition called endometriosis. While I am now on medication and therefore don’t experience as much pain, it still is always there to some extent. Initial period days are unbearable. I have been hospitalised due to the extent of the pain that I experienced every now and then where morphine was the only way the pain was in control. With meds it has become a lot easier where I can go about doing my day to day work, however it would be nice to not having to worry about going to the doctors every month or two for medication.

