Jun 05, 2021
How To Use Tampons?
Perhaps one of the most asked questions is "How to put in a tampon?" - and not just from young girls! Once mastered, it’s a skill that’s second nature – it’s just getting there that can be tricky.
It’s a good idea to start with a Libra Regular Slim Tampon or Libra Super Slim Tampon as they can be a bit easier when you’re new to using tampons, but our Original tampons work just as well too. There are instructions on the leaflet in the tampon box which will help you out at the time, but here are the basics.
How to insert a tampon
- Wash your hands thoroughly and twist open the plastic wrapper of the tampon. Discard the bottom half of the wrapper, then pull out the string and discard the top half of the wrapper in a bin. Get into a comfortable position and exhale concentrating on relaxing your muscles.
Hold the tampon with your index or middle finger at the base (string end) and get into a comfortable position. Insert the tampon by pushing it up into your vagina towards your tailbone to the full length of your finger.
Tip: You can sit on the toilet, stand with one foot on the edge of the toilet or bathtub, squat, or even lie down. Whatever works for you.
Some women like to spread their labia with their spare hand, otherwise just gently push the tampon up into your vagina, towards your tailbone. Keep pushing it up with your index or middle finger until you can no longer feel it. It’s important that you insert the tampon on an angle and not directly upwards.
Check the string is hanging out, wash your hands and you’re done!
How to Remove a Tampon
To remove the tampon, again, focus on relaxing. Sit on the toilet with your knees well apart, get a firm grip of the string and gently tug down at the same angle it went in. Don’t pull straight down as that won’t work.
And finally, remember it can take practice. If you don’t get it the first time, have a go another day.
Tips & Tricks on How to Insert a Tampon
Relax – especially your pelvic floor muscle
The first tip is to relax. Sounds easy we know, but being nervous usually means you’re clenching all your muscles, including the incredibly strong pelvic floor muscle that runs between your pubic and tail bones. It’s the muscle you use when you stop the flow of urine on the loo – give it a go so you know which it is. If it’s clenched, the chances of putting a tampon in or out are seriously hindered!
Know where to insert the tampon
The next tip is to be clear about where it’s going. Sounds obvious, but we often make assumptions. Note too, the angle the tampon needs to go to be comfortable. Many people try and push straight up – which is uncomfortable and unsuccessful. To insert a tampon, you need to angle it towards your tailbone. If you’re not sure, try inserting your finger without a tampon so you can feel exactly where it’s meant to go.
Use a dab of water-based lubricant
Finally, a dab of water-based lubricant, such as KY Jelly often helps on those first few goes. Don’t use petroleum-based products, like Vaseline, as these repel liquids and could cause your tampon to leak as well as irritate sensitive skin.
Love, Libra x
Essity makes no warranties or representations regarding the completeness or accuracy of the information. This information should be used only as a guide and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional, medical or other health professional advice.

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