Mar 18, 2019

Mariam Z's Story

My Endo Story

It all started when I was 16, when I would fear for each month to come, when I would know I would be in pain, where I’d turn into a ball just like I was in my mothers womb, pain that left me paralysed, pain that left me in tears, pain that made me crawl out of the bathroom for help because I was unable to stand on my own two feet, pain that made my mum/dad rush me to the ER because it was just unbearable to handle.

It was when I was 16 I felt that something wasn’t right with my body.  It was when I was 16 I got my first ultrasound and it was then they saw a thickened endometrium and it was then I was told I’m just obese, that I need to lose weight and that once I do it’ll all be fine. I felt put down, I felt hurt ? and I was left confused.

I continued on with this debilitating pain for another 3 years. Another 3 years of pain I thought I’d never survive, of wanting to die, being left so scared and not knowing if this pain will come before during or after, It was then I went back to seek help, it was then a special blood test was done a blood test that showed positive for PCOS ( polycystic  ovarian syndrome) but again nothing was done to help me understand what that was and why I was in this agonising pain.

Another 2 years passed by where I was continuing to deal with this pain and sleepless nights. It was then I was continuously in and out of the ER, where they’d tell me its just another bad period, take some Panadol and you’ll be fine.

After being admitted into hospital with pain again I was then referred to see another gynaecologist, I had a feeling of hope. After weeks of waiting for this appointment, I was told I’m too young and healthy for anything to be wrong, and again i felt let down, no hope, no way out of this, and I gave up, I told my mum I’m giving up going to these doctors. ?

A year passed fearing every month to come, until one day I was told about a gynaecologist that will help with what I’m going through, I had given up hope, but if it wasn’t for my mum booking the appointment and making me go, I would’ve never met the most amazing gynaecologist, she didn’t wait a second to start tests and surgery. And that’s when, on the 5th of march 2019, aged 22 i was diagnosed with Stage 4 endometriosis and PSOD. And with in the next few months I’m booked in for another surgery, in hope my fallopian tubes can be saved, due to severe swelling and scar tissue. ♥️


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