Dec 15, 2020

Meet the Most Inspirational Women of 2020

We’re that ready to kick 2020 to the curb. This year has been like being on day two of your period for 365 days. But in the spirit of living liberated and looking on the brighter side of life, we recognise that it’s during times of great adversity that some of the most awe-evoking humans step forward to shine, inspire and get us laughing again . We’re taking a look back at the year-that-was to celebrate some obscenely talented, clever and hilarious women who’ve made epic moves over the last 12 months. Consider this an appreciation post for some of the most inspirational women that’ve made us go ‘wow’ too many times to count in 2020.


Brooke Blurton – @brooke.blurton

Source: @brooke.blurton

The first star in our lineup of inspirational women is Brooke Blurton. Proud Noongar/Yamatji woman, she rallies behind the LGBTIQ+ community and Indigenous Australians. Brooke’s covered Western Australian NRL as a host, she’s an R U OK ambassador, AND an E!’s Australian Social Star of 2020 nominee, just to name a few accolades. Beyond the gigs and titles, it’s Brooke’s passion, dedication and plight to generate greater understanding of what it means to liberate those around us from prejudice that makes her a living icon. Her inclusivity, acceptance and championing of others is something we can all achieve. Talk about setting a STELLAR example.


Jessica Nguyen_ – @jessica_nguyen_

Source: @jessica_nguyen_

Jess Nguyen might’ve led you through an at-home vodka pasta recipe or two this year in the depths of lockdown. The self made Insta chef lost her marketing job in February this year due to the pandemic. From there, she flung herself into her biggest passion to pass some newly freed-up time: cooking. From 4,000 to over 50,000 followers, Jess has become a seriously well-dressed, hyper-talented and ever-humble home cooking connoisseur. From cocktails to carbonara, the gal’s schooled us through it all. Building her project-of-love into a fully-fledged business, Jess now collabs with like minded brands such as The Iconic, VOGUE Australia and Dan Murphy’s. She’s all about those zingy Asian dishes and Italian masterpieces. Oh, and we can’t neglect to mention her famous chilli oil that has now been transformed into a ready-to-purchase product for everyone to douse their summer spreads in. *Licks lips.*


Moana Hope – @moana.hope

Source: @moana.hope

Moana Hope’s surname couldn’t be more fitting if it tried. This blazing beauty radiates, inspires and embodies what it means to have hope. Moana speaks up for people with life-altering disabilities and the LGBTIQ+ community. For those struggling with incomprehensible barriers to some of our favourite everyday routines, she reminds us that liberation is always possible with the support, understanding and community of others. Not only has she uplifted a lot of young women out there facing some of life’s intensities, she’s helping those who can’t relate to learn, feel educated and seek to understand. This year, Moana and her wife gave birth to an absolute cutie of a baby girl, Svea, and we can’t get enough of this courageous clan.


The Shameless Girls – @shamelesspodcast

Source: @shamelesspodcast

Does this dynamite duo really need an intro? Shameless pair Zara McDonald and Michelle Andrews just bloody get what it’s like to navigate semi-adulthood. After garnering the ears and admiration of zillions of Australian teens and twenty-somethings with their killer (and outrageously intelligent) podcast, Zara and Mich released an actual book (!!) off the back of their girl bossery. ‘The Space Between’ is a must-read for anyone (hello, everyone) grappling with the struggles and anxieties of ‘life in your 20’s’. The girls have chatted to countless major names on their podcast, like Hamish Blake, Julia Gillard, and most recently, the Inspired Unemployed posse. (Goals). We’ve also got to mention Michelle’s vulnerability and bravery in sharing some pretty grizzly mental health struggles when Melbourne was in the throes of lockdown.


Jessie Hall – @jessiecassandrahall

Source: @jessiecassandrahall

One of our inside-and-out beautiful  models is Jessie Hall. This inspirational woman lives, breathes and reps absolutely everything it means to live a liberated life, sans fear of what other people think. Jessie advocates for one of the most important messages any young girl can learn, and that’s loving yourself fiercely. We get so caught up on superficialities, size and the status quo that we become our own biggest critics. Our bodies are capable of incredible things, and Jessie wholeheartedly champions that female body in ALL of its many expressions, curves and curations. Put simply in Jessie’s own words, she’s spreading the good body positivity vibes on the gram and beyond by “navigating this world with a big belly and big ass energy”. Can we get a round of applause, please?


PHEW. What a lineup of liberated, intrepid, hard-working and truly inspirational women. It’s getting us jazzed to see what they do next as we prep to usher in that shiny new year. Who’s next? Take these gals’ self made successes as a reminder that you could make this hotlist in 2021. As that old saying goes, anything is possible.


Love, Libra x


Anything else? Asaleo Care makes no warranties or representations regarding the completeness or accuracy of the information. This information should be used only as a guide and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional, medical or other health professional advice.


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