Apr 12, 2018
What is a Normal Amount of Period Blood?
Whether it’s light, moderate or heavy, getting your period means that at that time of the month, we’ve all learnt to go with the flow. However, that doesn’t exactly mean that we don’t feel the occasional worry about the amount of flow we’re experiencing, because period = blood, right?! Well, yes… and no!
So if it’s not just blood, what exactly IS a period?
Typically, your period (or menstruation) lasts between 3 days to a week. Although this time is often referred to as ‘bleeding’, technically that’s not 100% accurate! On average, we lose around 60ml of menstrual fluid each cycle (or about 4 tablespoons) and while a portion of this is definitely made up of blood, it also contains cells from the lining of the uterus, secretions and mucus. Around 20-30mls of this fluid is actually blood. It’s really not a lot, but it can look pretty dramatic on a stark white pad, for sure!
When should I start worrying about my flow?
Your flow is unique, just like you, and can vary due to factors like your genes, hormones, stress levels, and diet; so this is a question best left to the healthcare professionals. If you do start to notice symptoms that are out of the ordinary, such as bleeding for more than 8 days, needing to change your pad/tampon/period undies every hour for several hours in a row, having to restrict your normal daily activities due to your period, or bleeding in between periods, you should note anything down and book in an appointment with your local GP. There’s no use in worrying and turning to the notorious Dr. Google to try and figure out if it’s normal or not!
Love, Libra x
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