Jul 05, 2018

Talk It Out

Talking through how we’re feeling often makes us feel better.

It sounds so simple but it works! That’s because we’re putting our thoughts and feelings into words and with the right listener, we feel validated and supported.

So, if you’re worried about something, use your intuition to pick the right friend to share it with and you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel.

Of course, if your issues feel much larger than that, see your doctor and get a referral to a psychologist or counsellor. Don’t wait for things to escalate.  Take action in the early days and you’ll feel better, faster.


Get help…

If you’re aged 12 -25, HeadSpace  is a great place to find out more about youth mental health.

For immediate and urgent help 24/7 in Australia, contact one of these organisations:


Or, in New Zealand



Love, Libra x


Anything else? Asaleo Care makes no warranties or representations regarding the completeness or accuracy of the information. This information should be used only as a guide and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional, medical or other health professional advice.



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