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Ask Gemmah

Gemmah knows what’s up. Think of her as your go-to for any random, slightly-awkward, niggling questions to do with all things from periods, pads to pubic hair. (She’s the best, basically). Oh, and when you chat with Gem, your identity stays totally anonymous! Nothing’s off limit, so fire away!
21 Articles
From the totally #cringe embarrassing moments, to the time...
Ask Gemmah
11 Articles
Gemmah knows what’s up. When you chat with Gem, your identity...
My Body
3 Articles
Hormones, cycles and other wild science-y things are about...
Periods 101
15 Articles
Let’s go back to basics and put your mind at eass.
Keeping Healthy
1 Articles
Let’s go back to basics and put your mind at eass.
Girls Stuff
2 Articles
Let’s talk the Green Lights to go guns blazing towards, and the...

What’s Your Story?

1st Period Panic

I was totally oblivious to the world of puberty until I got my first period in grade six. I was just about to go out for lunch when I felt what felt like a gush of liquid in my underwear. I didn’t think anything of it at first before I felt something wet and squishy in my underwear that was when I knew I had to go to the toilet. My mum already gave me some liners but at the time I needed them the most I left them at home… Great right? I had to shuffle my way to the toilet. It was very awkward… When I finally got there it was like a crime scene in my pants, I sat there in panic for what felt like the whole break time. I finally realised that I had to do something about it, that included my horrible attempt of making a DIY pad. Didn’t turn out that well but it was the best I could do in that time. When I went to go find my friends to ask them if they had any pads but instead they congratulated me for entering womanhood…. I was lucky that I only had one class before the end of the day, that was full of discomfort and embarrassment… That was about two years ago though and now I have become a master at handling periods. I’ve been using the Libra Girl pads ever since, and I have finally started using tampons when you released the girl edition. I absolutely love them! ? Thanks for reading my first period story! ?

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False Alarm!

When I was in Year 5 (which was over a year ago), I had the puberty talk with my friends and class mates. We were all laughing thinking it was hilarious but later on in the day I remembered that a few days ago I saw blood in my underwear! I was having a heart attack so I told my friends and they were so happy & giddy. Then all of a sudden my friend got up and told the teacher (who was a girl) but I was so embarrassed. She just said “Congratulations!” and smiled. I felt so grown up but it was a false alarm because a month later… I went to the bathroom and there was blood all over my legs so I told my mum and she said it was my period. I was so confused!

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Are you a storytelling goddess?

From the totally #cringe embarrassing moments, to the time you helped your BFF through a period SOS call, we’re ready to hear the goss. Think of this as an online diary, so you can vent all of the fem tales that just HAVE to be heard. The best part? You can stay totally anon. So, er, get typing already…

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What's your goal to hairstyle?