Aug 26, 2018
A Moment with Our Girl Anna McEvoy
Ever wondered what life is like for a model and social media influencer? Us too. So, we had a chat with the wonderful Anna McEvoy, on what a typical day looks like for a model with nearly 100K followers; all things career goals and ‘pinch me’ moments; and what ultimate health and happiness means to her.
Always being the tallest in her class growing up, Anna was constantly told that one day, she should become a model. With that seed planted in her mind and a keen interest to pursue it, she put all her efforts into making her dream job become her reality. Day-to-day, she feels really lucky that she can call it ‘work’, as she proudly collaborates with amazing Aussie brands, and gets to participate in major comps like Miss Universe and Miss Australia!
So, what does a typical day look like for Anna? Anna tells us that she likes to wake up and #workit at the gym, usually followed by a photoshoot and showings/castings for different modelling jobs. She loves that she never lives the same day twice, gets to meet amazing people along the way, and sometimes even gets to travel – she takes any chance she can to work overseas! #careergoals or what?!
In her downtime, Anna loves to holiday and explore new places, and of course, brunch with her girls at their fave Melbourne cafes. Though she seems to discover a new one every week, her top 4 that come to mind are Legacy, Penta, Little Sunflower and SIPP. But she says ‘the list could go on forever. How good is brunch?!!’
PIZZA. ‘It feeds not just my tummy, but my soul – no questions asked.’
Along with overseas campaigns, working with Elle McPherson on her lingerie line was a HUGE ‘pinch me’ moment for Anna. She was her fit model, meaning Elle would try all the new styles on her. Elle even complimented Anna’s bum – a cheeky little career highlight! ?
The biggest tip Anna has for us all is ‘to learn to be happy and comfortable in the skin you’re in, because you’ll be in it for life! When you do that, you learn to care for your body and nourish it properly. Happiness is my key to health.’ And on satisfying PMS cravings, her ultimate comfort food is… PIZZA. ‘It feeds not just my tummy, but my soul – no questions asked.’
Anna really is a ray of sunshine, as beautiful on the inside as she is on the out. You can check out her work and adventures on her insta – @annamcevoy21 🙂
Love, Libra