Mar 22, 2019

Faith M's Story

Living With Endo

Painful periods is all I ever knew growing up. My friends always made periods look easy. Whilst in college the pain became more frequent, and unbearable to handle. I went to  seek professional advice. I was told it was just pulled muscles as I was a dancer and just take some pain relief and I’ll be fine. So I did what the doctor said but still was having major pain. It took me another 2 appointments of getting more pain relief for me to then say enough is enough. I wasn’t satisfied with the doctors conclusion, as I was pretty in-tune with my body at this stage and knew it was something bigger than a pulled muscle. I changed to a female doctor and straight away she knew. I was referred to a Gynaecologist and was booked in for an ultra sound. Long story short I had a cup size cyst on my ovary, found I had one kidney which showed in the ultrasound. Plans were put in place and my surgery was booked just after I turned 18 to remove the cyst, but the surgeons found endo everywhere. Fast forward, I’m now 23 and I’ve had 5 laparoscopies, 1 C section and a couple colonoscopies. This definitely has been a journey, but also I see the good side to this. I’ve met so many new woman who also have endo. We all support each other knowing exactly what each other are going through and are feeling on a day to day basis.

I do urge if you are getting pain during your periods track it and seek professional advice. Know one should go through pain ?



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