Mar 25, 2019

Georgia A's Story

The Hospital Stay

When i was 16 my mother took me to my GP because i was suffering with severe abdominal pain. I had suffered bad periods but i had no idea how bad it was all about to become. After visiting my GP i was sent to see a Gynaecologist and quickly taken in for surgery to remove a cyst that was blocking my left ovary from any kind of blood flow and slowing starving that ovary of life. I went under the knife and came out with all my the bits and pieces i went in with, much to my relief. I remember being in recovery and my surgeon telling me that they had found Endometriosis and had to burn off what they could. That was it, that was the extent of what i was told and was never told to manage or treat this problem let alone research what endo was.

Almost 6 years later, I was back in the surgery room for the same problem and again 4 weeks later. I visited the hospital regularly after that surgery because i was in buckling pain and i did not know why. I would stay for two days, they would get my pain under control and then send me home. And there the constant cycle began. Hospital stay after hospital stay. Still no one had urged me to look into what my condition was or given me any information about it.

After the 3rd surgery and the multiple admissions I took it upon myself to find out what this horrible thing was that was quickly debilitating my life. For the last 3 years of my life, I have depended on prescription medication to get me through most days. I have had the Implanon, the Pill and a Marina and nothing seems to do what doctors promise they will. I have been told that I will not have children and that I should start preparing for other avenues in my life. I have been told that i should get pregnant now and that will cure all of my problems. I have been told that only a full hysterectomy will give me a pain free life. I have been told that this is just your life now and you have to deal with it the best you can. I have heard everyone i know who suffers from Endometriosis has also been told all of these ridiculous things. Yes, the pain is unbearable most days and yes it does get in the way of my life but the thing is that its MY LIFE and MY BODY. It might be out to get me some days but thats okay because one day there will be information about my condition shared among women and we will be educated enough to make these decisions our self. I pray for a cure ever day but i will settle for awareness at this point.



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