Mar 25, 2019

Katelyn J's Story

Chronic Illness

At age 18 I gave birth to my beautiful son,  being so young I didn’t know how long the healing time was supposed to be. One year later I had a pap smear that came back abnormal, which followed numerous blood tests, ultrasounds and finally a laparoscopy. I was diagnosed with PCOS and Endometriosis, but my Dr told me most woman have it and it’s completely normal. Fast forward 6 years later, my ovaries and womb are rock hard with scar tissue. It has spread to my bowel and other organs. Monthly Dr visits, seeing my obstetrician every 6 weeks, it’s a serious medical condition and should be treated as such.  it’s a chronic illness with chronic pain.  People say,  it’s just like bad period pain, right?  you sure it’s not all in your head?  it really can’t be that painful? I pray they find a treatment /cure soon!  The only option I have left is full hysterectomy. Please take your diagnoses seriously and monitor it.


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