Mar 12, 2019

Kristen C's Story

Everyday Pain

When I was in high school my periods were very irregular and heavy,  I never thought anything of it. My doctor referred me to a specialist when the “pill” was just causing me extreme pain. After my first appointment with my gyno I was booked in for my first lap surgery. My first surgery confirmed endometriosis and Adenomyosis, but the pain was only ever getting worse,  so within 12 months I was back under the knife to find the endo had spread to my bowels,  bladder,  peritoneum and pelvic walls, including over my previously existing scar tissue. I continue to struggle with the pain everyday and the medications working for periods of time and then not. I’m only new to this,  but it still limits me in so many way I didn’t expect when I was first diagnosed.


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