Dec 03, 2021

Tips for swimming on your period

Summer is finally here! Which means pool hangs and days at the beach are likely filling up your calendar. While you may be going on a summer holiday, your period isn’t. Chances are, at some point, you’re going to encounter a period at the pool, but don’t let your period hold you back from swimming. 

So, what’s the deal with swimming on your period? Is it hygienic? Can you get an infection? Can you swim with a tampon?

Have no fear, water babies! Your burning questions are hosed down, below. Now, let’s join hands and jump into all things periods, pools and other bodies of water on – one – two – THREE!


What period care do I use while swimming on my period? 

Short answer… tampons! While pads and liners are great, when you’re in the water, tampons are best! Water can affect the glue and absorbency of the pad. Pick your favourite tampon for swimming from our CottonGirl or Body Fit ranges. Consider them your own personal lifeguard.

If you’re a bit unsure when it comes to using a tampon while swimming, don’t stress, we have you covered. Try taking some deep breaths to relax your muscles (and your mind), angle your tampon at 45 degrees and push gently towards your tailbone. We’ve got a whole blog on ‘How to Use Tampons’.

So now that we’re prepped, let’s cover off a few common questions before we wade in.


Does my period stop in water?

Nope, it keeps on flowing! It’s probably just diluting into the water, so it seems like it’s stopped or slowed down. If you’re swimming on your period, just pop in a tampon and dive on in!

Can I swim with period cramps?

Sure can – swimming can actually help with period cramps! Exercise triggers your body to release endorphins (nature’s painkillers) and gives you an overall feeling of well-being. But take it easy, Emma McKeon – we don’t recommend overdoing it. Your energy levels generally deplete during menstruation so keep it to a cruisy paddle or a relaxing float.


Will I get an infection while swimming on my period?

It’s unlikely.

Chlorine pools can sometimes irritate the vulva and vagina and in some cases, lead to yeast infections or bacterial vaginosis – but don’t sweat it – these are totally common conditions that are easily treated with a trip to the doctor. To reduce the chances of an infection while swimming on your period, rinse off after your swim with fresh water and don’t stay in wet bathers too long.


Is it hygienic to swim on my period?

It’s totally safe to swim on your period – in fact, it’s good for you! Period or not, water can’t get inside your vagina when you swim. In terms of other people, it’s extremely unlikely that blood will hit the water if you use a tampon while swimming. And if all else fails – there’s chlorine!


Can my period attract sharks while swimming?

We see your train of thought, but don’t worry – there’s no recorded cases of sharks going after someone menstruating and no evidence to suggest that sharks are drawn to periods.

Menstrual blood is made up of mucus, uterus secretions and other components – none of which sharks are known to be attracted to. The amino acids found in blood also diffuse when mixed with water, so the chances of sharks making an appearance because of you swimming during your period are super low.

We hope that answers your questions on swimming during your period. Before you head to the beach or pool, make sure you have the essentials – your bathers, towel, plenty of sunscreen, snacks and a few tampons for swimming.

Remember to listen to your body and do what makes you feel comfortable. Frolicking around with friends is meant to be fun! Not a source of stress. If you’re not ready to swim with a tampon or you just don’t feel up to diving in, you can still chill poolside or on the sand.

Now, who’s got the icy poles?


Love, Libra x



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