Jun 25, 2020

How to Get a Good Night’s Sleep During your Period

You’re snug in bed, 5 episodes deep into your latest Netflix series, when suddenly that all-too-familiar message pops up on screen – ‘are you still watching?’  While sneaking in ‘just one more ep’ is super tempting, it’s already hit midnight! Big yikes. You’re running out of precious sleep time and you don’t want to risk snoozing through those 12 different alarms that you set at 5 minutes apart. We’ve all been guilty of calling this our night time routine at some point, but it’s simply not the greatest way to get in your beauty sleep! No stress necessary though, because your Libra sisters are here to show you how to get a good night’s sleep, especially during your period.


You know that getting enough sleep is a mega important part of living your best life, but have you ever wondered why exactly this is? Scientists have scratched their heads over this topic for years, and while they’re still not 100% sure, what they do know is that sleep is key to your health. It aids healthy immune function, metabolism, memory, mental health, learning, concentration, and other vital bodily functions. As you can see, knowing how to get a good night’s sleep is just as important as keeping up with your nutrition and exercise! So, while surviving on coffee may sound like a fabulous idea, getting enough sleep is actually the #1 path to function at your very best.

So then, how can you make sure that you’ll get a good night’s sleep? And does it involve giving up your beloved nightly Netflix binges? The answer is in creating a consistent, relaxing night time routine! When each day comes to an end, it’s so important to reset and unwind. This will help you to relax and decompress from the day that’s just passed, getting you into those perfect sleep time feels. To help you get a good night’s sleep, we recommend:


  • A Warm Shower or Bath

    Take a warm shower or bath, light your favourite candle, put on some relaxing music, and whip out the lavender body wash. We promise that you’ll feel instantly zen.


  • Screens Away One Hour Before Bed

    Feel free to scroll through Insta or watch some quality TikToks, but be sure to turn off all screens at least one hour before bed. Instead of a Netflix binge, pick up a book instead! Switch on a lamp, get comfy, and read a chapter or two. You’ll be yawning in no time.


  • A Cup of Caffeine-Free Tea

    Make yourself a cup of caffeine-free tea (chamomile is our pick!). Avoid drinking any caffeine-filled drinks like coffee and soft drinks, at least 4 hours before sleeping. It can make it harder to fall asleep and even disturb the quality of your sleep!


  • Makeup Removal and Skincare Routine

    Take off your makeup each day and apply a simple skincare routine afterwards. Hint: some serums work best overnight and can even help you to look less tired the next day! Find what works best for you and keep it consistent. Not only will your skin look ah-mazing with some extra TLC, it’s another great way to signal to your body to unwind and that sleep is close by.


After a few weeks or so of following a consistent bedtime ritual, you’ll start to notice that falling asleep becomes easier and that the quality of your sleep is much better!


Tips for Getting a Good Sleep During your Period

So, now that you’ve mastered sleeping when it’s not that time of the month, let’s explore how to get a good night’s sleep during your period. Even with your great new routine in place, you might still find that your sleep is affected regardless (boo!). Feeling comfortable sleeping during your period is make-or-break when it comes to a good night’s rest, and fortunately there are some ways to help make comfort happen for you:


  • Extra Goodnights Pads

    It’s so important to feel properly protected and secure – nobody wants sleep leaks! Our soft and cushiony Extra Goodnights Pads are perfect for staying in place, fitting snugly to your body and moving with you during the night. They’re super absorbent and long, made to keep you covered in any sleeping position. No more worrying about ruining your favourite undies and those white sheets!


  • Extra Long and Wide Pads and Goodnights Pants

    Heavy flow? For that extra peace of mind when sleeping during your period, keep an eye out for our two newbies! First up, our Goodnights Extra Long and Wide Pads. They’re 28% longer and 50% wider at the back than the O.G. – the Extra Goodnights Pads, for the best protection possible! But if you’re one who tosses and turns in the night, our new Goodnights Pants are for you. Fitting perfectly to the contours of your body, they provide a unique 360° protection for ultimate comfort, security and leak protection. Coming soon to shelves near you, these products will make your dreams even sweeter!


  • Adjust your Sleeping Position

    Change up your sleeping position to what feels best for you! We recommend trying the fetal position, as this can help to relieve cramps by relaxing the skeletal muscles around your abdomen. Less tension = less pain. Similarly, sleeping on your back during your period allows you to massage your abdomen before sleeping which can help ease cramps!



  • Yoga Before Bed

    Gentle exercise during your period, such as yoga before bed may also help with reducing pain! Folding into a simple child’s pose can help to release your lower back and in turn, reduce cramping.


  • Switch Phone to Silent or Aeroplane Mode

    Before you set off to dreamland, make sure you switch your phone to silent or aeroplane mode, to ensure your sleep is undisturbed. Trust us, the meme your bestie just tagged you in will still be there in the morning.


So girls, remember that when it comes to getting a good night’s sleep, especially during your period, consistency is KEY! Follow our tips, listen to your body, figure out what’s most effective for you and stick to it. Snoozing will be a dream!


Love, Libra x



Anything else? Asaleo Care makes no warranties or representations regarding the completeness or accuracy of the information. This information should be used only as a guide and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional, medical or other health professional advice.


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