Aug 12, 2018

This is Anna – A Star on the Rise!

PSA: we’ve found the next superstar on the rise! ✨ We were lucky enough to have an awesome chat with a special lady who’s showing us all how to kick major life #goals. She goes by Anna, or to her teammates, ‘Running Water’ – and this Grade 6 from Sacré-Cœur proves that there really is no age limit to owning your life passion!

We’ve all heard the saying that ‘practice makes perfect’. Well, Anna’s been living by that motto since the age of just 4 years old, when her love for soccer was first ignited by her Dad, Arthur. Anna’s passion for the sport has continued to move seriously forward year on year, to the point where she now trains three times a week for a game every weekend. What drives Anna’s love for soccer is that “it’s fun, I enjoy taking on players and getting past them. It’s a great feeling getting a goal, and definitely having time with my amazing team.”

We’re so inspired by the fact that Anna always gives it 100% – all in between school, homework, training for/competing in state-level Little Athletics, and other commitments. She works SO hard that she’s even broken the South Melbourne Athletics Club record for Javelin! That level of dedication is MEGA inspiring.

“It’s a great feeling getting a goal, and definitely having time with my amazing team.”

So of course, we were wondering, what does everyday life look like for the ‘one to watch’? Anna lives in the sunny town of St Kilda and comes from a tight-knit, Greek family, meaning that being bilingual is all in a day’s work for her! She likes speaking in Greek with her beautiful grandparents, and shares in their love of Greek music too. And if she had to pick her top two fave subjects at school? They’d be P.E. (who would have guessed!?) and Maths.

Anna’s ultimate goal is to one day light up stadiums and play with her dream team, the Matildas. She looks up to her coach’s words for inspiration and advice – have the courage to take it on (one-on-ones); work hard; trust your teammates; and it doesn’t matter if you lose the ball. Just work hard to win it back.

We’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for her name in the spotlight in a few year’s time! 🙂


Love, Libra x


Anything else? Asaleo Care makes no warranties or representations regarding the completeness or accuracy of the information. This information should be used only as a guide and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional, medical or other health professional advice.



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