Jun 03, 2018

FAQs for Mums & Dads

Puberty is a big transition. For some, the journey is a hiccup, for others, it can be a roller coaster ride.

Either way there is a lot of changes occurring, so helping girls know what to expect and understanding what’s going on will make it a whole lot smoother – promise! Here are some of the key questions you might be asked and the tips on how to answer them.


Q. How often do I need to change my pad?

A. Your period is heavier in the first couple of days, so at school on those days, you may need to change at recess and lunchtime. By day three, just one of those ought to do it and then again after school might be enough.


Q. What do I do with the used pad?

A. Never, ever flush pads down the toilet – they will block it. Most Libra pads have Roll. Press. Go. wrappers that you take off your clean pad and use to roll your used pad into, then seal the edges by pressing them together and pop it in the bin. These wrappers are opaque, as well as moisture and odour proof, so if you’re at a friend’s or out, you can always pop it in your bag until it’s convenient to slip into a bin.


Q. What if I have a leak?

Firstly, assure her that this is not uncommon and most of us have a story…

A. If you have a jumper or jacket, tie in around her waist and head straight to the bathroom. Ask another girl for help if she needs – for a jumper, a pad, or a ‘Can you please check the back of my dress?’- girls will always help each other out in this situation.

Use the hand soap and cold water to try and wash out the stain – use a paper towel to ‘sponge’ if necessary. When it’s as good as it’ll get, try and get the item under a hand dryer. It won’t be perfect, but it should be enough to get her through the day.

Lost property, for a spare dress or jumper to tie around the waist, is also a good resource, as is the school nurse.


Q. Do people know I have my period?

A. Not unless you tell them – no.


Q. What do I do if I don’t have a pad?

A. You can always count on other women and girls. If it happens then ask your friends if anyone has a spare pad and guaranteed they’ll all do their best to help out as it can happen to any of us. The school nurse will also have a supply for the many girls who are caught short – or ask a female teacher.


Q. Where does a tampon go?

A. You might be surprised to know that by puberty, many girls are still completely oblivious to the fact they have three ‘holes’ down there – one for wee, one for poo and their vagina. Having internal organs makes it easy to overlook and the generic use of the word vagina to describe female genitalia doesn’t help. A quick diagram – even just three circles on a page – tends to clear things up in a matter-of-fact way.




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