Jun 27, 2024

Is it normal for my period to change over time?

Periods have a way of keeping people on their toes at pretty much every age. It begins and ends with a bit of a guessing game: when’s it starting and when’s it wrapping up? The 30-something years in between can also be a little tricky to predict. Factors like hormonal birth control, pregnancy, and medical conditions can impact your flow and period symptoms. To help you anticipate changes that might head your way, let’s look at how your period may change over the years.

Pre-teen and teenage periods

Your period: Typically light and irregular, particularly for the first six months to two years.
Period care: The Libra Girl range. Smaller size, specially designed for smaller, growing bodies. 
Your first period arrives a couple of years after your breasts start developing, which can be anywhere from 9 to 15 years old. Your flow could be light one month and heavier the next. It might come right on time or whenever it feels like it – super annoying. But the good news is it tends to become more predictable as your body adjusts. If you’re at school and in need of a pad or tampon, make sure to ask your friend for a spare or check with the school nurse! Your body is going through a lot of changes, so keep an eye out for hormone-related mood swings, breakouts and period pain. If anything in particular worries you, tell a trusted adult and/or head to your GP. To learn more about what to expect from your first period, check out our blog.

Periods in your 20s

Your period: Regular, but depends on hormonal birth control, pregnancy, or medical conditions.
Period care: Liners, pads, tampons, or briefs. It’s all about finding the product that helps you flow your way!

You’re out of school and the world’s your oyster! While you’re busy with university, work, moving out, parties, or travel, your period might become relatively predictable. As you become more familiar with your period, take note of symptoms that may suggest a condition like endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), or fibroids. Figure out what’s normal for your flow and stay up to date with GP visits if needed.

Periods in your 30s

Your period: Regular, but can vary based on hormonal birth control, pregnancy, medical conditions, or early perimenopause.
Period care: We’re sure you have your favourites down pat! If you choose to have a baby, our Maternity Pads will be essential for your hospital bag and those first few months.    

If you haven’t had or aren’t having kids, your periods will be pretty similar to how they were in your twenties. Continue as you are, keeping an eye out for any unusual changes, particularly signs of things like fibroids or early perimenopause.

Pregnant? About a million changes are happening at once, including your period going on pause. (You might experience some spotting though - liners are great for this!). After you’ve given birth, it can take some time for your period to return. When it does, it might be different: lighter, heavier, less painful, more painful. You may find the period products you were using pre-baby aren’t managing your flow like you remember and it might be time to experiment with different types and absorbencies. No matter your flow, we have a product to suit! 

Periods in your 40s

Your period: May become irregular until it tapers away.
Period care: Liners, pads, tampons, or briefs. You know the drill! 

By your mid-forties, the chance of falling pregnant naturally has reduced and this decline in fertility often comes with fluctuations in your period, so you may find you need to change your period care items to suit. It might be the time you start noticing symptoms of perimenopause or menopause. You might experience hot flashes, insomnia, vaginal dryness, and mood swings. It’s normal for change to feel daunting or overwhelming, but remember, you’re not alone and we all go through this. Make sure to talk about how you’re feeling with your friends and if you’re concerned, reach out to your GP. 

Periods in your 50s

Your period: After menopause, non-existent.  
Period care: Liners for spotting and discharge.

After years of having a period, it’s time to say goodbye - aka menopause. It’s official when you haven’t had a period for 12 months. You may experience menopause symptoms such as hot flushes, tender breasts, muscle and joint aches, night sweats and emotional changes. Despite not having to track periods anymore, it’s still important to be aware of any gynaecological changes like postmenopausal bleeding or pelvic pain. Visit your GP if you notice anything odd for you.

Do I need to change my period products if my period changes? 

Your period is likely to evolve over the years, so you’ll probably need to adjust your period products. 

  • First periods: Specifically made for smaller bodies, the Libra Girl range is there for you as your body starts going with the flow.
  • Irregular periods: If you’re not sure if your period is coming or going, liners offer light protection between periods. Our Period Proof Briefs are a great option, as they provide absorbency with the comfort of undies. 
  • Lighter periods: You mightn’t need as much absorbency, so you can use our regular absorbency pads or tampons. If it’s super light, you could even get away with just using liners
  • Heavier periods: Our range of Extra pads and our super absorbency tampons are designed for heavy periods, providing additional absorbency and comfort. You might also like to try our Period Proof Briefs - they can hold up to 4 tampons’ or 5 pads’ worth of menstrual fluid!

It’s normal for your period to change over time, depending on factors like your age, hormonal birth control, pregnancy, and medical conditions. Most of the time, it isn’t a cause for concern, but it’s a good idea to keep track of changes and let your GP know if anything feels unusual for you.

Love, Libra x

Essity Australasia makes no warranties or representations regarding the completeness or accuracy of the information. This information should be used only as a guide and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional, medical or other health professional advice.


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